Uhamisho Students Transfer follow the procedure below
Students Transfer
Transfer from one training institution to another is a right of any student wishing to do so. The transfer is allowed when both training institutions (institution sought to be transferred from and to be transferred to) are offering the same NACTE approved programme.
Conditions for Transfer
- Any student seeking to transfer must be registered into NACTE Database and successfully passed the End of Semester Examinations;
- Students transfer shall be done online through NACTE Website (www.nacte.go.tz);
- Head of Institution from which the student is transferring from shall approve and forward the request upon satisfaction to the head of institution the student is seeking to transfer;
- The transferring student should have all examinations passed and results uploaded in the NACTE Examination System.
Transfer Procedures
- A student shall initiate an online transfer through requesting the target/receiving institution for an opportunity to transfer;
- Once the request is accepted by the receiving institution, the message will be sent back to the host institution to clear and allow the student to transfer;
- The host institution shall forward approved request to NACTE; and
- NACTE shall view the request which has been approved by the host institution and then grant the transfers.