Home » 290 vacancies at Stiegler’s Gorge Kisaki

290 vacancies at Stiegler’s Gorge Kisaki

by Ajira

290 vacancies at Stiegler’s Gorge Kisaki: JVACEE is a Joint venture company of Arab Contractors and El-sewedy Electric, dealing with the scope of Engineering, Procurement & Construction of Julius Nyerere Hydropower Project in Stigler’s Gorge in Tanzania, which is expected to produce 2,115 MW of installed capacity. Position are mentioned Below

  • Carpenter (100 Posts)
  • Steel Fixer (100 Posts)
  • Scaffolder (50 Posts)
  • Pipe Fitter (20 Posts)
  • GTAW Welder (10 Posts)
  • SMAW Welder (10 Posts)

HOW TO APPLY: Contact us via phone on our number KISAKI VILLAGE OFFICE 0759 058334/MLOKA VILLAGE OFFICE 0683 016608, or visit one of our branch offices at Kisaki Morogoro vijini/Mloka Morogoro.

List of Most Asked Interview Questions in Tanzania

1. Tell us about yourself

Explaining about who you are is one of the commonly asked interview questions during PSC job interviews in Tanzania. It simply asks you tell how you fit the job description given. The interviewer can also ask the same question in a different version like what information about you should we know?

This is where you say about your academic credentials, work experience, career achievements, and skills. To have a good flow start with your experience and skills followed by achievements and successes and finally your next career step.

2. How did you hear about this position?

The interviewer(s) wants to know whether you specifically searched the company or you just stumbled on an advert. It common county government interview question in Tanzania and in most cases the objective is to establish if you have insiders.

The interviewer also seeks to know which of their advertising method is working best. They also want to know whether you were targeting their company or it was a coincidence you found the advert.

3. Why do you want to leave your current employer?

The question is tough to answer but a common one in public service job interview questions. The new employer wants to know why you want to leave your current job if you are employed. Is it because of the salary, environment, or convenience?

Be careful when answering this question. Stick with facts and be direct to the point. Explain why you want to work with their company and focus on the future especially if your departure from the other company was not under the best circumstances.

4. What do you know about this company?

Many interviewers from Tanzaniawon’t leave out this question. They want to know how conversant you are with the company you want to work for. They want to see whether you did some research or just kicked the blankets and attended the interview.

As the interviewee, do thorough research about the company history, management, business, and profile. Find out about the founders, slogan, performance, theme colours, and management team. It helps you to reveal hidden information about the company that other job seekers may not come across. You will impress the interviewers and show your interest in the job.

5. Why should we hire you?

It is a classic interview question that needs an impressive answer. Every interviewer will ask you this question though it can be twisted to other versions. It can be phrased like why do you think you are the best candidate? Or what value do you think you will bring to this company?

The interviewer expects you to sell your skills and qualifications when answering. They want to see if you have what it takes to take up the role. They want you to convince them that you are the best candidate.

6. Why do you want to work with us?

It is a commonly asked interview question and the answer is straightforward. The interviewers want to know why you applied for the job. The question may be twisted to, why are you interested in this position? Or why do you want this job?

In this question, give a valid reason why you want the position. Showcase how your skills and qualification match the company’s vision, culture, and values. Failing to mention the company when answering can raise an alarm to your interviewers. It is not all about you, show that you have a place for the organization.

7. What is your greatest achievement?

You have many achievements but they all seem to disappear once you hear this questions. The interviewers are inviting you to share a career accomplishment or achievement. A proof that you suit the position you applied for by benefiting your new employer.

The best way to approach this question is the STAR method: situation, task, action, and result. Tell about a situation and a task you were expected to complete, what you did, and finally the result which is your achievement.

8. What are your strengths and weaknesses?

A commonly asked interview questions across all job categories in Tanzania. For the strengths, the interviewers want you to showcase what sets you apart from the other applicants. For the weakness, the interviewer wants to know if you are self-aware and you can solve a problem.

To answer this question, mention why you should be hired and what makes you the perfect candidate by showing your professional strength. About your weakness, never say you don’t have a weakness, it shows utter lack of self-awareness or deceit.

9. Where do you see yourself in the next 5 or 10 years?

The interviewers want to know whether you have a career plan or you are just gliding through life. They may also twist the question to what is your growth plan?

Showcase your career trajectory that explains your career ambitions. It shows that you are ready to maximize your skills which in turn benefits the organization.

10. What is your salary expectation?

This question can seem simple but it can be your knockout. Overpricing yourself can disqualify you while underpricing can make you be shortchanged with a lower offer.

Explain to your interviewers that according to the research you have done and the job description in the advert, such positions pay a salary of X to Z. From your skills you expect to be paid a certain range.

Do you have an upcoming interview? Do you want to be shortlisted as the best candidate? Always prepare adequately to answer the commonly asked job interview questions. Good luck!

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