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Consultant Needed At SNV

by Ajira

Job Position Consultant Needed At SNV

Company Description


SNV, in close collaboration with its consortium partners Wageningen University & Research, CGIAR’s Climate Change, Agriculture & Food Security program (CCAFS), Agriterra and Rabo Partnership, as well as value chain partners in several targeted food production and supply sectors – will promote climate smart agriculture (CSA) as a way to transform and reorient agricultural systems to the new realities of climate change. Using an inclusive business development approach for CSA, the project focuses on arable farming systems in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. The Climate Resilient Agribusiness for Tomorrow (CRAFT) project is contributing to improved food security by working towards climate resilient farming systems which increase productivity under changing climatic circumstances, while reducing food waste and losses throughout the supply chain. The project is designed for SMEs and Cooperatives in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania that are active in the targeted agricultural value chains.

Project Objectives

1.            Adoption of climate smart practices and technologies amongst 300,000 farmers

2.            Development of inclusive business cases for 50 agri-business SMEs and 30 cooperatives.

3.            Climate resilient sustainable food production practiced on 600,000 hectares.


The project is hinged on three key pillars of climate smart agriculture:

•              Productivity: sustainably increase agricultural productivity and incomes.

•              Adaptation: reduce the exposure of farmers and agri-businesses to short-term risks, while also strengthening their resilience by building capacity to adapt and prosper in the face of climatic shocks.

•              Mitigation: reduce greenhouse gases emissions, increase water and energy efficiencies.

The Climate Innovation and Investment Facility (CIIF) is a fund that is used by the CRAFT project to identify and support inclusive climate smart innovative business models that deliver both commercial benefits for the private sector and developmental benefits for the low-income population. These ventures have specific focus on small holder farmers (including women and youth) in the climate smart agriculture food production and supply improvements.

CRAFT recognizes the utilization of energy in different forms across agricultural value chains for irrigation, cooling, drying, and milling among others, and is considered a key driver influencing agricultural production, post-harvest handling, processing, and distribution/transportation. Energy related costs often represent one of the highest agribusiness operating costs, attributed especially by inefficient energy utilization and limited adoption of affordable cleaner alternatives across the agricultural value chain. To be competitive and adapt to the risks associated with climate change, future agricultural/food systems must be accompanied by better, cleaner, and more sustainable energy processes. Increasing the uptake of renewable energy and energy efficiency solutions in prioritized value chains with focus on the business cases, is therefore an important element in CRAFT enabling agribusiness productivity and business improvement.

Job Description

Aim of the assignment

The purpose of the consultancy is to undertake a detailed energy audit of the selected SME/facility (3 companies, 2 based in Dodoma and 1 in Kibaigwa) towards identifying potential energy management opportunities (renewable energy and energy efficiency).

The specific objectives shall include:

a)    Identify feasible energy management opportunities (renewable energy and energy efficiency) in both electrical and thermal energy systems existing in the facility

b)    Undertake an economic and financial analysis of identified energy management opportunities

c)    Compile a detailed energy audit report including renewable energy and energy efficient technology and practice recommendations

A standard energy audit methodology shall be adopted from energy audit planning to closure. We propose that the energy audit be undertaken according to the ISO 50001 EnMS: Energy Management System in line with ISO 50002:2014 Energy Audits-Requirements with guidance for use methodology.

Specific tasks

The specific tasks in the energy auditing assignment shall include the following:

  1. Undertake a detailed energy audit planning with a lens on both electrical and thermal energy use of the SME/facility
  2. Review the existing and planned energy needs and services of the SME/ facility
  3. Assess the existing historical energy utilization, energy cost data and load profiles of the facility
  4. Undertake onsite measurements/logging for electrical and thermal energy systems in the facility with appropriate calibrated equipment
  5. Conduct an energy utilization, economic and financial analysis based onsite energy use measurements and energy tariff structure
  6. Quantify the total energy savings (kWh) and energy cost savings ($) as per energy efficient and renewable energy opportunities identified.
  7. Prepare and submit a detailed energy audit report with a complete technology and economic analysis of the energy management opportunities (renewable energy and energy efficiency options)
  8. Prepare a detailed draft implementation plan for the identified energy management opportunities including identification of potential vendors for RE and EE solutions
  9. Prepare and present the audit findings and identified energy management recommendations to SNV and audited facility.


The consultancy is expected to take 25 days with the key deliverables as indicated below.

a)    A presentation of the energy audit findings and energy management (renewable energy and energy efficiency) recommendations for each facility and SNV team

b)    Draft energy audit reports for the three facilities (template shared) to be reviewed by SNV team

c)    A final detailed energy audit report with an investment appraisal on the identified renewable energy and energy efficient options for the three facilities (separate reports per facility)

The energy audit report will follow the template as shared by SNV prior to the assignment

Time schedule and reporting

The Assignment is expected to take 25 days working days. The consultant shall report to the CRAFT Project Country Manager supported by the Senior Advisor Energy and Agriculture.

The Consultant is expected to ensure compliance with the general occupational health and safety guidelines and other ethical considerations that may be specific to the agribusiness facility in undertaking this assignment.


Qualification of Energy Auditors

The energy audit shall be executed at least by two experts in electrical and thermal systems respectively with the following desired qualifications and competencies. In addition to the experts, it is also desirable to have a measurement technician as part of the team.


Qualifications, Competencies and Experience

Electrical systems engineer

  • At least BSc. Electrical Engineering
  • Demonstrated understanding of instrumentation and electrical systems
  • At least 7 years of experience with 3 years of hands-on energy auditing
  • Demonstrated written and oral communication skills
  • Being a certified energy auditor by a recognized international organization will be an added advantage

Thermal energy systems engineer

  • At least BSc. in Mechanical Engineering/Agricultural/Chemical Engineering
  • Demonstrated understanding of material and energy flow analysis
  • At least 7 years of field experience and 3 years of hands-on energy auditing
  • Demonstrated written and oral communication skills
  • Being a certified energy auditor by a recognized international organization will be an added advantage


Technician Competencies (If part of team)

Measurement technician

  • At least a diploma in Electrical or Instrumentation
  • Demonstrated experience in calibration and use of energy audit tools and equipment
  • Demonstrated written and oral communication skills

Required document for submission

Interested energy audit firms are required to submit the following:

A)  Technical proposal with the following details:

1.    Understanding of the assignment and its tasks;

2.    Methodology and approach to be used based on ISO 50001 EnMS;

3.    Operational plan with clear timeline; and

4.    CVs of the proposed consultants/ Energy Auditors.

B)  Financial proposal (in Tanzanian Shillings) with the following details consultancy fees submitted must be inclusive of all taxes- VAT inclusive (please note that under Tanzanian law, a Withholding Tax (WHT) of 5% for Tanzania nationals is deducted at source and paid directly to TRA). Include a detailed breakdown of days and fees per consultant/auditor proposed for this consultancy. The fees should also include travel costs and other administration costs.

C) Past Performance – three references

Applicants must prove that they have enough experience in assignments comparable with the work they are bidding for in terms of scope and complexity. Applicants must prove this experience using only and exactly three references for work they have done in the last 1 year.

In undertaking this assignment, the consultant is expected to ensure availability and demonstrate correct use of electrical and thermal energy auditing equipment and tools but not limited to: Power quality analyzer (PQA); Clamp meter; Combustion analyzer (Flue gas analyzer); Thermographic camera; Infrared thermometer; Lux meter; Tachometer and Moisture meter.

D) Mandatory requirement – Copy of:

·         TIN

·         Business license

·         Recent tax clearance

·         NBAA firm registration certificate

Failure to provide the document above will result in immediate elimination of the bidding process.

Additional Information

How to apply

Qualified audit firms who are interested in this opportunity are invited to apply by submitting electronic copies of the above required documents by the 25th of May 2021, COB to: Tanzaniaprocurement@snv.org


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Ajira Peak

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